
Robert Koch

Global Head of Business Development

Mr. Koch was formally broker, trader and founder of both Bedford Investment Partners LLC and “The Dailyfinancial Report” on Wall Street. During the height of the Dailyfinancial Report they amassed over 75,000+ investors and brokers following their report each and every day giving full guidance to the financial markets. In Bedford Investment Partners they developed a team to call investors to sell silver and gold to the open market at a discount. Though his commodities background he helped build Gotham Energy Trade and Logistics middle distillates market.

Robert has an extensive network of contacts in the financial community and has been pivotal in making key introductions for our clients.

Robert attended St John’s University where he pursued a BS in Finance. Married to his wife Heather for 18 years they reside in a small town called Katonah; which is just one hour north from NYC with their two children Ava and Spencer.